Friday, July 8, 2011

We seek not rest but transformation. We dance through each other's doorways. -marge pierce

So this morning we walked around Almendros (where we are starting up the women’s group) while one of the other members of our group observed what people were selling (he is working with one of the ward members to increase her business while teaching some business skills). It sounds like he is focusing on her play station that kids come to use… to create loyal customers by advertising play for 1 hour 10 times and you get the last hour free. She could even use that 11th one for free with her other business things. We met Mer. in the morning and told her that we found some teachers but not one for the 16th, and her cousin was busy and unable to teach that day. So we were going to go around and find out what the women could do, but we decided that we were giving too much suggestions and we didn’t want to impose ideas since its not really our project. So fortunately we talked to Fer. who was walking in the street right by us and she said that we should move the class to the 23rd. The first class is going to be an introductory class and they are going to find a teacher. I am going back on Monday to see if they have found a teacher. We suggested that they teach so they show the women by example how it is going to go. Then we came back and went to Katacous… to take pictures of bags/backpacks and other souvenir items to sell to fund for the preschool. We talked to the vendors and fortunately we can get good deals for buying a huge quantity at once. Me and one of the girls needed to use a bathroom… yes we were desperate. So we went looking for one. And found a really gross smelling one in a hallway. Good thing my nose is runny and I brought toilet paper. Anyways, we ran into the missionaries! It was quite funny. We also passed an LDS church on the way there. Its funny how things pop up and you feel right at home. We also went inside a church… not sure what religion… it was Christian. There were lots of figurine-like-statues. It was pretty school. Also their depictions of Christ were very interesting. There was a man in a wheelchair with his son who was selling candy. They were good sellers so I couldn’t resist. Good thing there were some cute kids to give the candy away to. Also 2 bracelets were given away... to boys so good thing we made boy-colored bracelets. Then we took a bus back to Tacala and stopped for lunch at a vegetarian place… and ate some really good food. I don’t know what the name was… but it was oh so good. Then we got a treat and started walking home. We stopped at the rehab center… the administrative lady took us down to the director and we sat and talked with 2 of the ladies in charge. And they were so nice. They are going to take us to an orphanage with children with disabilities. So hopefully we can start that Friday in the afternoons. Ashlee told them about our organization and we told them about our backgrounds. Also as a side note some people from the ward took a video of us today and apparently that is going to be on tv… so that is really good that help is getting publicized. They were very happy for volunteers. They gave us this peruvian drink called chi-cha (not sure of spelling). When we said thankyou… they said no thank you. When we said thank you for your time… they said oh thank you so much for coming here. They were just so extremely appreciative and open to whatever and whenever we could come. I mean really… we just walked in… sat in with the directors… and they welcomed us like we were long friends. I love the hospitality. In the beginning the group was facing “wait, you don’t have money to give us. Then we don’t want your help” ,  so it is nice when you come across people who value time like money. Then we walked home. And I am feeling slightly feverish… maybe from the sun so I tried to rest. But we had Spanish lessons (today watching harry potter in Spanish with English subtitles). And then dinner. And then I worked on the preschool blog. Which you should look at… and perhaps consider buying something! Exactly a week until I will be with my kids. There are jumping beans in my stomach thinking of that!!!!!!!!! But I feel horrible because I still don’t understand Spanish. That was my goal. And it didn’t happen. And when I get there… I know that will just eat my insides having to say que... como… mas despacio. But its okay… at least I can be there. I am so excited. What makes you excited? Does that excitement give you purpose in life? If it doesn’t, what does? What is excitement? I think of it like anticipation to feeling happiness. And being happy because you know that you will be happy for that thing you are excited for. And then isn’t that what life sort of revolves around… finding happiness and being happy? Not to say, that sadness and hardships aren’t any less part of being happy. Because I think that hugely shapes happiness. What do you think? Thinking is good to do.

Today was a seven seven day. Aka… a really good day. It started at 5:45 when we were awakened for zumba (one of the ladies volunteered to teach us). It was a no-show. But I never went because I didn’t think my body could handle waking up that early. It took awhile to fall back asleep… but do not fear, I most definitely did and did not want to wake up at 7:20 (when we always wake up-for breakfast at 7:30). After a hotdog sandwhich breakfast, interjection: a typical breakfast in peru involves meat, we came back and studied some. Then I went with another girl to this preschool that she found at a barbeque fundraiser held by teachers. The teacher had said how they needed desks and chairs. So we went to observe the classroom and assess the needs. However, we didn’t even knock… and walked right in… I was slightly against that. We tried talking to the teacher amongst the chaos of little children pouring out their lunch boxes and climbing on broken tables to find that they loan the desks and chairs from another school and it has to be returned by November. They are hoping by then the government can give them their own desks and chairs. The teacher said, though, that they contact the government every year and don’t get any response. Perhaps, there could be something we could do to quicken that or maybe get a response. There was one new student with a disability. She was crying (screaming) the whole time… which increased the volume level of all the children… and the entire classroom. We asked if we could stay for the next hour to help. She okayed that idea so we sang “cabeza, hombros, piernas y pies” and taught them alphabet. Some of them were extremely quiet and others extremely loud. Thuy (the girl that I went with) gathered them around a poster that had all the letters of the alphabet. It was really cute. There was one girl I picked up and held… I kept asking her to repeat the letters to me until she did. I really liked holding her. They came alive when we sang with them. Hopefully we can go back and teach a couple times a week. It depends on what our group wants to do. Then we came back just in time to go to the other preschool in villa chulucanos. It was really, really fun. We learned about animals and their sounds. I tried teaching them this one activity from my learning how to teach p.e. class… but it didn’t go so well and it ended up as a tag, run away from the bear, act like a dog game. It got them really energized. But the teacher there as of last week said we needed to show the kids more affection because they really needed it. So I think that this week was a good week because we did. On the way out, we were able to meet with the “leader” of the community and talk more about the preschool/community center. I am hoping to start up a women’s group like the one we are trying to put together in almendros. The few women we talked to today know a various amount of skills like doll making, ceramics, jewelry, and other crafts. They showed us the ceramics and dolls. So now each bag comes with a traditional set of finger sized dolls. Then the same media crew that came to interview us yesterday came to V.C. (villa chulacanos) and interviewed the “leaders” and us and so we talked about what project we are doing there. And BEST of all, as of today, we are going to be able to build the school FOR SURE! This is super exciting!!!!!!! We have had a very kind sponsor… who said he would make up the rest of what we cannot raise. So everyone has 2 weeks to send in money and purchase bags… because we need to start building so that we can finish before we go! (it takes 2-4 weeks to build a one-room school). Thank you to all those who purchase a bag/other peru item. You are directly making a difference to this community. And they want to thank you. Then after interviews we walked back, and it was a bunch of Peruvian students who speak little English and fluent Spanish so our conversations were very interesting. One little girl who pretended to be a dog so well wrapped her skinny little body around me before we left. Her sister, Karla was the one that was scared of me. She almost started crying again today. I wish we could spend more time there so she could warm up to us. I don’t like that she is scared of us. One shy little girl warmed up… actually 3! It was really exciting! So then we came back in time for our adult ESL meeting… which the plan was to hand out flyers. However, 4 of us went to rehabilitation center to volunteer with a speech and physical therapist. I went to the speech therapist with another girl. I was surprise that there weren’t more kids. At first it was one at a time, then there were 2. And then there were 3. And I was surprised at the amount of Spanish we understood. She explained to us a ton in Spanish... what she does, her background, her age, the kids, their abilities, why they aren’t “normal” and what she is working on with them, how she assesses them. I was really happy to see an assessment chart. The first little girl was 4, I believe, and was nonverbal. The therapist said she didn’t understand… but that makes me question the teacher’s ability to see her true potential. We practiced saying things from a book. She tapped/hit her hands on the table… which I think the therapist was working towards revamping that action into verbal communication. She loved honey… so the therapist used honey to get her to move her tongue around and lick her lips… this helps in expressing language. We basically working on trying to say vowels. The second boy… I think had cerbral palsy… his smile was absolutely priceless. He reminded me of Mihai from Romania. The whole experience took me back to Romania. I felt some similar emotions flood back. It made me feel like crying… for being happy and sad at the same time. I forget so much about the orphanage (in Romania) but being with the kids today made me remember my kids in Romania… and remember how difficult it was and how knowledge-less I felt. I am not sure I want to be a teacher anymore. I think I want to go into special education… cerebral palsy specifically really interests me… especially when the kids are cognitively present and at the level according to age, but their bodies limit their perceived intelligence level and ability. (as least the mild-severe prognosis I have been exposed to) There was another 2 year old who was born at 6 months with a twin… but her twin died. Her mom was intensely inspiring. She was so good and so down to earth and understanding, yet not even aware of her own incredibleness… that kind of person. Her little girl can’t ever be on her own… ever. She can’t sit on her own.. she can only sleep on her own. It made me think of how much work…. Well actually imagine how much work that would be… how much dedication that requires… and ultimately how much patience and love with no expectations. She sat in the therapist’s lap for the first time today. Then another girl came in with autism. We played with blocks and made noises with them. She reminded me of mada and georgi. Holy cow I miss them. Another girl in her 20’s came in and Melinda helped her do her homework. Tomorrow some of us get to go to an orphanage for children with disabilities. And I have been waiting all week for this. I think between the next month of volunteer hours I will have a better idea of where I want to go in school. Then we walked back. Meanwhile, I can’t really breathe… im a little clogged. But today was a “cold” day… really it was just not hot. So it felt so good to get some fresh, without sun, air. Then dinner and a 2 and a half hour long meeting to discuss our projects. We have about 20 projects going on right now. Some larger than others. So we are working on assessing what is most important for the group with the amount of time we have left. A month sounds like a lot of time, but really its not, especially in developing something, its not enough time to get something started… to generalize. We found out the preschool could be built tonight. All in all, it was a very thought-provocative seven-seven day, and now I am going to watch harry potter in Spanish. Still working on that.

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